07 August 2008


Its raining heavily now.
Today, miss bandung was angry again.
Hah. And the only fun period is HE.
It was like DUH!
Everyone loves cooking.
Obviously rite? (If you hate it, I dunno how to describe you.)
Made Salmon Sandwhich wif tuna.
Well, gave LG and JX half of our salmon.
Generous huh? No luh! I charged him $3.
Cheap le. If I didnt sell them, they will FAIL!
Boo-hoo..Would you want that to happen?
And, the rest of the day, trying very hard to concentrate while getting disturbed and teased, with UFB (Unidentified Flying Balls), adapted by uncle pig™,( see how much i respect ur name, i still put ™) were flying here and dere.
And tmr dismissed at 11.
Yeepee. Can go home earlier.
Eat sakae or steamboat maybe.
Lawl Lawl Lawl Lawl Lawl.
And And And Rate my Sandwich below.