24 July 2008

A story goes like this.
A white bee is in love with a pink bee.
But the white bee isn't sure whether pink bee likes white bee anot.
Pink bee noes that white bee likes pink bee.
But one day, an extra yellow bee came along.
The yellow bee noes that the white bee loves the pink bee.
So the yellow bee asked the white bee a question infront of the pink bee.
It asked the white bee whether he likes the pink bee anot.
And it was loud, and the answer was obvious.
So both pink bee and white bee felt very awkward.
The yellow bee, asked the white bee the question again, 5 times louder this time, " do u like the pink bee? "
The white bee felt embarassing and kept quiet.
Ever since then, the white bee gave up as he was unsure of the results in liking the pink bee.
Okay, quiz time!
Wad should the white bee do?
Post your answer in the tagboard below!
The first person who gets it correct will receive a mystery gift*

*terms & conditions apply