30 July 2008

Funny day.
First thing first, fion is super duper kind today.
She lend me her specs to bring home WTF!!
Wadeva. Just took a few photos at toilet ( im ugly wif specs btw )
and went to blk 128 which is 2 streeets away from our school.
And wei lun bluff us say is only 2 blocks away. Make us walk so long..we could die before we even reached there.
Anw, Had a talk & crapping session while eating.
Bought chocolate ice blended for $1.
And 2 Hashbrown for $1.50.
Wei lun talked about somethin, somethin very digusting i dun wanna say. lololol
Played with the 20 cent ball game - put money inside play ball(how old are they?)
Lawls. Popcorn chicken name is pox chicken! ( see below )
Okay pause, see photos luh.