20 May 2008

Another Post

Hey there!
Yeah. I know what u gonna say.
Ha. Its another post to keep the blog living.
Oh yeah I made an Mircaulous Accomplishment today.
(Drum Roll..)
And it is to complete my first and ever Rubiks Cube!
Well. Start off the day terrible today.
Late again and had detention.
My brother's wax sucks and im not going to use it anymore.
Messy Hair. Real messy.
Okay, Nath had a big laugh over my hair during recess.
Had boring science lessons.
And the only great part of it was to be able to talk to wee =P
Meet up with jinx and wee after school.
Two more J*s classmates came along.
One gay, One CheeNa old man.(guess hu)
Then another girl classmate came along.
Nothing to say, just took out my psp..
Got real addicted to this new Bleach 5 game too.
Heh jx flirting as usual..
Went home after eating CCN.

I jus LOVE rubiks.