08 March 2008

Happy Day :DD

everyting today so nice..i woke up at 11..sian my mother lock the computer room..but nvm..i noe where the key is haha..i got take the key open the door den play till 12..den i heard my mother footsteps. luckily i smart. i go off the com den faster go out of the room, locked the door, then put the keys back to the place it was. den i go back to my bed.

me: ahhh good mornin'..
mum: faster go brush teeth la..
me: ok, later can use the computer?
mum: yaya awhile only hor..

den i bluff my mother say i go do project actually go play lan
den later eating kfc
and my mother promise to get my the God Of War PSP game later .. hahax so happy..everything worked out fine..

shit..12:22 liao i need go liao
bye! :DD